Chichen Itzá - Free Self-Guided Audio Tour

Chichen Itza: Echoes of the Maya Empire

Chichen Itzá, Yucatán, México

Explore the grandeur of Chichen Itza, from the towering Temple of Kukulkan to the enigmatic Observatory. Walk through ancient ball courts, sacred cenotes, and intricate temples, uncovering the mysteries of one of the most powerful civilizations in Mesoamerican history.

Distance: 4,0 km
Duration: 3,0 hours
Number of stops: 17

Points of Interest

Templo de Kukulkán  (Temple)
Jogo de Pelota  (Ancient Ruins)
Templo do Norte ou Templo do Homem Barbado  (Ancient Ruins)
Plataforma dos Crânios ou Tzompantli  (Ancient Ruins)
Plataforma das Águias e Jaguares  (Ancient Ruins)
Plataforma de Vênus  (Ancient Ruins)
Cenote Sagrado  (Lake)
Templo dos Guerreiros  (Ancient Ruins)
Grupo das Mil Colunas  (Ancient Ruins)
O mercado  (Ancient Ruins)
Cenote Xtoloc  (Lake)
Túmulo do Sacerdote  (Ancient Ruins)
Casa colorida ou Chichanchob  (Ancient Ruins)
O Observatório ou Caracol  (Ancient Ruins)
Casa das Freiras  (Ancient Ruins)
A Igreja  (Ancient Ruins)
Akab Dzib  (Ancient Ruins)