몽생미셸 섬 - Free Self-Guided Audio Tour

Magnificent Mont Saint-Michel: A Spiritual and Historical Voyage

몽생미셸 섬, 노르망디, 프랑스

Embark on a captivating journey through the iconic Mont Saint-Michel, a marvel of medieval architecture and timeless spirituality. Explore the majestic Abbey Church perched atop the mount, the strategic Tour Gabriel, and the serene Saint-Aubert Chapel. From the commanding North Tower to the charming Logis Tiphaine-de-Raguenel, and the peaceful Church of Saint Peter, each stop reveals layers of history, culture, and beauty. Discover the magic of this UNESCO World Heritage Site that has enchanted visitors for centuries.

Distance: 3.0 km
Duration: 2.0 hours
Number of stops: 7

Points of Interest

몽생미셸  (Island)
대성당 교회  (Historical Church)
투르 가브리엘  (Iconic Structure)
생 오베르 예배당  (Church)
노스 타워  (Ancient Ruins)
로지 티팽 드 라게넬  (Historical Building)
성 피에르 교회  (Church)