Modena - Free Self-Guided Audio Tour

Modena: From Palaces to Sacred Landmarks

Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Explore the rich heritage of Modena through its iconic sites, from the grandeur of Doge's Palace to the historic Modena Cathedral. Discover the artistic legacy at the Museum of the Figurine and the Municipal Theatre Pavarotti-Freni. Visit ancient churches, lively markets, and the majestic Ghirlandina Tower, all telling the story of a city steeped in history and culture.

Distance: 4,0 km
Duration: 3,0 hours
Number of stops: 14

Points of Interest

null  (Palace)
null  (Museum)
Громадський театр Паваротті-Френі  (Theater)
Церква Сан-Вінченцо  (Church)
Коледж Сан Карло  (Historical University)
Ратуша  (Famous Building)
Гірландіна  (Odd Landmark)
null  (Church)
Mercato Coperto Albinelli  (Market)
Церква Святого Варфоломія  (Church)
Церква Сан-Барнаба  (Temple)
Сан Франческо  (Church)
Церква Сан-П'єтро  (Church)
null  (Theater)