Rawenna - Free Self-Guided Audio Tour

Ravenna's Mosaic Wonders: A Journey Through History and Art

Rawenna, Emilia-Romania, Włochy

Explore Ravenna's major landmarks, starting at the breathtaking Basilica of San Vitale and Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, then dive into history at the National Museum and Domus of Stone Carpets. Visit key religious sites like the Neonian Baptistery, Ravenna Cathedral, and Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. Along the way, pay tribute at Dante's Tomb, explore the Arian Baptistery, and admire the medieval Rocca Brancaleone and the grand Mausoleum of Theoderic.

Distance: 4,0 km
Duration: 1,0 hours
Number of stops: 15

Points of Interest

Bazylika św. Witolda  (Ancient Ruins)
Mauzoleum Galli Placydii  (Ancient Ruins)
Muzeum Narodowe w Rawennie  (Museum)
Dom kamieni dywanowych  (Historical Building)
Chrzcielnica Neoniana  (Ancient Ruins)
Katedra w Rawennie  (Church)
Kaplica Arcybiskupia  (Historical Church)
Muzeum Arcybiskupie  (Museum)
Grób Dantego  (Ancient Ruins)
Bazylika św. Franciszka  (Church)
Plac Ludu  (Historical Square)
Baptysterium ariańskie  (Ancient Ruins)
Bazylika św. Apolinarego Nowego  (Church)
Rocca Brancaleone  (Castle)
Mauzoleum Teodoryka  (Monument)