Ravenna - Free Self-Guided Audio Tour
Ravenna's Mosaic Wonders: A Journey Through History and Art
Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italia
Explore Ravenna's major landmarks, starting at the breathtaking Basilica of San Vitale and Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, then dive into history at the National Museum and Domus of Stone Carpets. Visit key religious sites like the Neonian Baptistery, Ravenna Cathedral, and Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. Along the way, pay tribute at Dante's Tomb, explore the Arian Baptistery, and admire the medieval Rocca Brancaleone and the grand Mausoleum of Theoderic.
Distance: 4,0 km
Duration: 1,0 hours
Number of stops: 15
Points of Interest
Bazilica San Vitale
(Ancient Ruins)
Mausoleul Gallei Placidia
(Ancient Ruins)
Muzeul Național din Ravenna
Casa covorului de piatră
(Historical Building)
Baptisteriul lui Neon
(Ancient Ruins)
Catedrala din Ravenna
Capela Arhiepiscopală
(Historical Church)
Muzeul Arhiepiscopal
Mormântul lui Dante
(Ancient Ruins)
Bazilica Sfântului Francisc
Piața Poporului
(Historical Square)
Baptisteriul arianilor
(Ancient Ruins)
Bazilica Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
Rocca Brancaleone
Mausoleul lui Teodorico